Everyone Needs A Project!
Got a computer? Bored out of your mind? There is hope! What you need, is a project to work on. While everyone is a bit different, there are some things that are more fun than others.
Make A Video
If you have a digital camera, like an iPhone; you could make some videos. With a Mac, and iMovie; you can create some really cool projects in under a day. With some effort, and polish, you could get something really great. You just need to do the work, and put some thought into it. Be sure to use music that doesn’t have a copyright on it, otherwise social media will wet themselves. Don’t even try using songs from a CD you bought. They know!
Start A Blog
If you have a digital camera, and a computer; you could start a blog. If you have some people that follow you, there might even be someone that reads what you write. It is good practice to write, and learning to write well is a valuable skill. There are plenty of solutions to how to start a blog, all you really need is the guts to start it.
Practice Your Photography
Learning how to take really good photos is a valuable skill. In the process, you might find a happy place. If you practice your photography for long enough, you will get really good at it. There are plenty of inexpensive solutions to do photography with the aid of a computer. Start today!
Make Music
With a small investment, you could learn making music on your computer. Don’t expect to be great, but your mother might listen to you for all of five minutes. That is something. Making music is fun, and has a lot of good times to go with it.
If you take my advise and make a video, try making the music for your video yourself. That is always fun. Enjoy!
Write A Novel
If you are really bored, and feel like taking on a real project; try writing a novel. This will take you years to complete, and will add to your gray hair by at least a 1000 x.
Writing is fun, and you might write something really good. You won’t know until you try. And if you are really bored, you should try to do it. You never know where it will go, or where it will take you.
And if you are really bored, you should be writing anyways. I do.
So if you are really bored, you can try making a video, start a blog, practice photography, make music, and write a novel. If you really want to knock my socks off, write a novel, make a movie about it, then write the music to go with the video. Then do the photography to use to show people your hot new novel / movie. Then write a blog about what you learned!
Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit
Photo Credit: Photo by Colin Sabatier on Unsplash