Generation X

What Time Is It?

Hey folks, I know it’s been a few weeks since I connected with you and actually wrote something. It’s been a few weeks because I have been doing my due diligence on working on my website. That however isn’t the only thing that I have been doing. Today I’m going to talk about Generation X, and what it needs to do.

In my downtime when not writing or writing web pages, I have been thinking about meaning in my life. A few of the most basic and simple observations are easy to bring out and highlight, however a few will require more explanation.

My generation is one that has seen some tough times. We have grown up with parents that were total control freaks or maybe didn’t care at all? This problem hasn’t gotten better with the generations that followed. It seems my Generation has been taught a lesson, we have been getting an education in the school of hard knoxs.

We had pretty good times when we were kids and didn’t take life too seriously. Maybe that is where we went wrong. We didn’t see what they were trying to do. Now we seem to be the lost generation that doesn’t connect, doesn’t have meaningful relationships, and doesn’t stop to say hello anymore.

What Day Is It?

It seems that the simple courtesies in life were too much and that greasing the wheels we’re for old people and those that were squares. In the here and now, we see that those simple pleasantries were there to keep life functioning at a tolerable level. Because without them life degenerates into something that is lonely and isolated.

Speaking of connection. One of the very things that makes life more livable is having a connection with our fellow beings. This doesn’t always mean that having thousands of connections is better. It does mean that having some connections that keep you feeling grounded in life are present.

People today have become so stiff necked that they don’t want to grease the wheels anymore. They don’t want that connection. And they are so anxiety ridden, depressed, and isolated that they wouldn’t know how to do if they wanted to.

It seems my generation is the results of what “The Who” talked about in the album “Tommy”, because they all want us to believe we didn’t see it, didn’t hear it, and wasn’t there.

It seems they have tried to silence and entire generation of people that were present and had something of value. Only to be discarded by the older generation and ignored by them. The generations that followed left us behind to die.

Did You Really Sleep That Long?

It’s time to build some new connections. The points are to get a group of people together in like minded ideas. When our generations was growing up this was met by religious diligence and being with those that were supposed to be safe for us.

Today looking around at the people I like, those I know and the people that have left me for dead. It seems that the creative people are the most kind. There should be some way to get like minded people together and make some real connections in life.

It’s about not flying to high, or too low. But staying in the middle airspace and flying where everyone can keep an equilibrium. We have to develop the skills, soar for a while and then return to the middle air space. Fly too high for too long and you get shot down. Fly too low for too long and life beats the shit out of you. But a lot of us have to rise some to keep the rest of the group happy. Too many are flying too low and no one is able to rise as a group.

We don’t want the whole generation to crash and burn, we want to progress as a whole. This means we have to make life better for everyone. If anyone can change this, it’s us. By what we do today, who we influence today. And the mark we leave behind for future generations.

Wake Up!

The problems seems to be some people don’t want us to do better. They believe that we should remain silenced, and keep our mouths shut about the problems. The problem with not thinking is that you can be taught to accept anything as being good. You don’t want to believe that being kicked in the head is right do you?

Therefore, start thinking. Use it or loose it. They have tried to do some pretty underhanded crap to us as a whole. They have divided us, kept us from grouping together. Then they made us stupid in the process. Even now, I’m wearing a lemon hat to have the brain power to write this blog post.

Wake up. Look around. The generations that are coming have problems they can not fix. They are going to need the help of Generation X and everyone’s help. The real question might be: “Are we going to be willing to help them make it better when they have shit on us?”

It’s got to get better, this world is our home, it’s not a house, it’s a home. Although, it may be a temporary home, but it’s a home all the same. And that means that we have to be able to live. We all have to make ends meet.

Have A Care!

Because, the older generations don’t give a shit about Generation X, or the world they leave behind. The new generations are so stung out that they won’t put two thoughts together. They are fortunate if they think a though through to completion.

Therefore, they need our help. This generation has the ability to change it. Get together, work together, and make team work a goal. Otherwise you’re going to be ghouls.

Get it, Got it, Good! Generation X needs to get busy!! Right Quick!

Written by Ctopher Thomas, Founder of MyDigitalChaos.

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