Advice For People That Want To Be Smarter

You want to be wise? Be careful how you spend your time. Make the best use of your time that you have. Be careful what you spend time talking about, or watching. This is some of the simplest advice for people that want to be smarter.

That said, there are a number of things one can do to make their life better. The smartest are not always the happiest. Read that again. It is best if you can be content with what you have. If you have the ability to make good use of your time, and can do what you love; then you have a good combination.

If you just want to be smarter, ask yourself why you want to be smarter? Wisdom is more than being a good living database. You have to know how to apply what you know in the best way possible.

There are many people that are good databases, they know tons of information. But ask if they know how to use that data, you might be surprised to learn; they are just as confused as you are.

That said, really you should do what you love. While there is very little love being shown to those who do. You have to pick out the process that you enjoy the most, then; do that!

A lot of people will give you the advice, to be popular, to be important, and to have a life; that you have to fit in. They won’t believe the people that think outside the box; because if they did, it would threaten their whole existence. That will never do. Really you have to package your ideas in ways people that still believe in the box will understand.

This means it has to be gentile on their minds. Something new is always regarded as being too bold, too forward, or unnecessary. It is only after its been around a while that they start to see the advantages. If you want to be smarter, seek first to understand yourself. Know what you want.

If you really want to be smarter, first you have to teach yourself how to really think. You have to move past the point of having thoughts and get to the point you actively control your thoughts and emotions. Having a high emotional IQ is just as important as being intellectually smart. Really you have to have some balance about these things.

Make good choices. Make good use of your time. Do what you can. Everything else is just a matter of continued effort at the same level with the same amount of enthusiasm and effort to sustain new levels.

Intelligence is more than being book smart. How you express yourself creatively matters too. There are problem solving skills, and skills of how to execute your plans once they have been formed.

Photo Credit: Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

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