Author: Neo
Thoughts on living…
Basics There are four main principals that one must consider when living with others. These have been thought about but not carefully listed. You will need to do some basic work to implement the necessities that are required. The basic are that how one lives dictates the quality of their life. When someone that is…
Thoughts on life!!
Long Hard Road Sometimes one’s travels are the best parts of life. Getting to travel and see the sights, to enjoy life, and sip it’s sparkling wine. Sometimes those travels come with a kiss and an open hand. I’ve traveled twenty years with a clinched teeth and a fist so hard that my feet hurt.…
Wanted: Lasting Peace
Travels Through the years, there have been many road blocks to understanding, making reasonable progress. There have also been many obstacles in the way of positive change. These are not impossible hurdles, they are merely moments that people have to learn how to overcome. There are a few things that can be learned from Douglas…
Memories Dellima
Cold Water In today’s world everyone is trying to leave their mark. Everyone is out busy creating memories with their friends and family. They have jobs, and family, and people that they have spent time with that leaves things remembered. You would be hard pressed to show me ten photographs from the last twenty years…
The Moon Dilemma (WIP)
Chapter One Sitting in the barbers chair and looking at the mirror at myself, I see myself as a man in my forty’s. Two days of stubble, and wry grin. It’s kinda a hard look for me. The moon pale skin and brown eyes that have seen enough to know too much, in a world…
How Do We Win Your Hearts?
Why The Problem? Why do we have these problems? First of all the world has become a cruel place to live, when we lack care. There is however hope. We need to advance as a society, not just five or ten years. As a whole we need to advance a hundred years or more in…
Walking The Line….
It’s Coming Mondays. We hate them. They are like the fly in your soup. After having asked around for a few weeks about getting a review on my website, and actually offering to pay people to tell me what they thought, (*Gasp*) No one would be willing to tell me what they thought. So when…
Cookie Cutter Aspects
Aspect Ratio These are raw ideas that need to be developed. Please provide feedback. Thanks. When photographing a subject, the perspective is everything. So I have spent the last twenty-five years photographing my mind to come to some very important conclusions. There are things in today’s cookie cutter society that makes everyone a lot alike.…
Is Solitude The Only Solution?
What Really Matters In Life Personal Growth is one of the most important aspects to living when you wish to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Everyone seems to be an expert on how to make your life better. By just a few simple habits that when practiced on a daily basis will bring you a better…
Creative Ice
Hot as Fire or Cold as Ice? Creative fires burn hot, to keep the pace you need fuel. Sometimes our creative fires get put on ice to calm the storms. Sometimes the creative ice fuels the storms. I’m really looking for some good feedback about the feel of my work as a whole. I want…