Life is. Things are.
You have to get a grip. No one reads anymore. They couldn’t care. They want mindless thoughts, with no real purpose. Damn cats if you ask me. Life is. Things are. Deal with it. Not much going on.
Been working on projects, been stuck alone for a week. It wasn’t as productive as it could have been, had to dog watch. They like a lot of attention. They seem to be full of it. Taking care of two boxers, almost a full time job.
My projects are coming along. Most things are going okay. Javascript gave me fits for a few days, but that is solved now. Thanks to Google. Seems any technical question one could have has been solved somewhere.
Bored. Not much going on. Life is. They don’t care. Wasn’t a problem they wanted to solve. They seem busy with other stuff, these days; no one gives a damn. Bored with the status quo.
Life has to get better, it really does. Tired of the way this is. No one to talk with, nor spend time with me. They seem to be perfectly content with the way this is. It doesn’t bother them for me to be alone, and isolated like I am. Not only that, there is the other problem: It seems like everyone is ghosting me. Damn it.
Tired of the world like it is. They could have been kind. You know? Tired of wasting my effort on people that won’t listen.

I’ve lost weight. I am down to 167, which is great! About time, been heavy far too long. Glad to see the weight coming off like it should.
Bored. Visit me. I have coffee!!