Category: fish watching
How Everyone Wants To Be Seen An Unique Star – Making Massive Chaos
The world has changed. Life was once a lot different. There should have been some common sense being used; seems, the human race has shot itself in its own foot. Life today is making massive chaos! What am I talking about? In today’s world, a lot of people are going after being the talent, and…
How Zombies Live – The Uselessness of being an Alive poet
Some thoughts. Today’s project: What is wrong with the world? What is wrong with the world They don’t beg poets to write another stanza. they don’t beg writers to tell them a story. They don’t beg the painter for pictures of beauty. If anything, the bleeding hearts, the poets, the misfits, the dreamers. They are…
Oppression Sucks
You know, they wouldn’t let me talk, and when I did; they didn’t listen. Thus, I wrote an awful lot. Because it was the only way I could express myself in a way that I was not being interrupted. Oppression sucks; seems, no one could care! What I have found will shock you. The truth…
What Fuels The Worlds Aggression? Mass Emotional Responses Laced With Hate
Turn back to love. . . My book came in the mail today. After looking at it, and reading most of it; it dawned on me where the problem is. The human race is being gas lit. Mass emotional responses that are laced with hate are fueling the worlds aggression. How do we shut this…
Modern Day Problems
Bored. Such is life. Got so damn bored, I thought maybe I would try watching TV for a while. I went to great length to try and watch TV; and it only ended in failure. Let me tell you about it. My modern day problems! I have a sofa, this sofa I’ve had for twenty-four…
Why Accepting Creative Freedom For Personal Expression Matters
Stop Being Too Critical Today’s world can be ruthless. Especially for creatives. It seems our whole lives we are told we are not good enough; even when we demonstrate skill above and beyond what is normal. They brush aside our abilities and treat them as worthless. This article is about why they need to be…
A Better Idea – Why Instagram Famous Feels Like A Hollow Victory
A Better Idea – It’s Not All Bad Some things seems like such good ideas when they first appear. It is only after they have been around for a while, you let the juices start to sink in. I have a better idea; better than a red hot poker in the eye. I’m bored with…
Finding Courage To Be Yourself And Unlocking Your True Power
The Power of Courage. . . Life takes some real courage. Not everyone will see things the way you do. Not everyone likes to talk about ideas, or challenges in life. Some people, will go out of their way to avoid having to have those conversations. And when the world seems like its made for…
How To Spot People That Seem Good, And Are Really Toxic
In today’s world a person needs good survival skills. It is easy to get people that have toxic traits and think they are okay people. A lot of people today, are only self validated; and they all think they are great! The trouble comes when they think they are great, and really very toxic people…
How To Prove Your Sanity
Proving My Sanity After giving it a lot of thought, for a very long time; these are some lessons I have learned the hard way. Really to be able to prove one’s sanity they must be able to define sanity. Google says the definition of sanity is: “the ability to think and behave in a…