Category: fish watching

  • Rare Birds – How The System Is Creating The Extinction Of Species In The Job Market

    The Problem: Life has some problems, some of them are serious. There has been a steady de-valuation of human life for some time. These problems are likely caused by supply and demand, or the lack thereof. Seems the supply of humans is high, and the demand is low. Thus, they have lost some of their…

  • LifeStyle On Edge – Thoughts On A Pretty Good Day

    On being like a tree After a pretty good day, with nothing worse than a mild headache, it seems there are days that this living death is more bearable. Progress was made, and I’ve been thinking today about potential. Well thinking about potential, and how to define success. Seems there are ways we forget what…

  • Philosophical Empowerment

    Make Yourself Better! Through reason, one can improve their life. You have to understand, without being able to reason, nothing else is of value. Or has very little value for very short periods of time. The mess society finds itself in today; what a mess! phi·los·o·phy /fəˈläsəfē/ noun the study of the fundamental nature of…

  • 8 Steps to Beautify Your Heart, Mind, and Soul To Be Happier

    Start Today!! Life is not always pretty, and to keep our minds in good condition, sometimes it is necessary to do some maintenance. Recently I was thinking about what qualities I want to have and seek in others. Thus, this article was born from the thoughts of how to beautify my mind. They say beauty…

  • What I Want

    What I Wanted People sometimes act in confusing ways. It seems there is no rhyme or reason to some of the stuff they do. So in an effort to be perfectly clear, about something that I want; I’m going to spell it out for you. Respect I want to be respected for my mind. No…

  • Classical Corner: Music To Sleep With

    Today’s post is about how to get a better nights sleep. One of the things I have been doing for about ten years now, is listening to classical music when I am sleeping at night. This is very exciting. Going to sleep with classical music is a real thrill. Sometimes, the music is so exciting,…

  • High Rise Of The Mind

    Some Random Thoughts Digital lifestyles make life interesting. There seems to be something for everyone these days, from fancy glasses, to contactless payment methods. Seems you have to be having fun with it, if you aren’t having fun with it, then you are doing it wrong. Gunnar Glasses The Gunnar glasses are really cool. Get…

  • Quick Note Life Is Absurd

    It has been a week, strange, complex, complete with the usual rubbish. Seems like it is all the same junk, just a different day. I’ve been busy working on my projects, it has been fun, I guess! Today finished up with a video. It isn’t great; yet, it is done. I’m looking for some new…

  • Digital Lifestyle Of A Superior Geek And How To Become One

    The Guru You know that feeling when you are in the zone, that magical place where your flow, and style just naturally express themselves. Sometimes you can have that same thing with another person, where the feeling just flows, and feels good. Sometimes when you get into the zone, it’s just pure magic, as though…

  • Posse Bonus Post, Something Happy?

    This is your posse bonus post this month. This photo of the dolphins was just too much to pass up, I had to post it. It is just so darn cool. Wish that I could get some dolphin time, alas life is. There is some good to be had, if you look for it; sometimes,…