Category: fish watching

  • One World Government – Hopefully Soon!

    With all the hubbub, so many people are depressed today. I don’t see much reason to be depressed about much, its still life like it has always been. For things to really get better, life has to change by a lot. What we are looking for is a one world government. It is so much…

  • More Dog Balls

    No, not really. This is a follow up article from the one about what is advantageous. This one is about: Not every opportunity is a good one. Read on dear friends. . . . Not Every Opportunity Is A Good One It seems in life, that once you understand not everything is advantageous, then the…

  • Creative Arts – In Peril Or Ready To Bloom, You Are Here!

    We are living in unprecedented times. Its been since 1945 that America faced such gloom. That is a whole lifetime for some people. Looking around me, from what I read, what I see, and what I hear; these days are really tough. The creative arts is an important part of life, not just in this…

  • What Is Advantageous?

    Not All Things Are Advantageous What is advantageous in this world? After giving it some level of thought, there are some points I can make about this subject. The most advantageous options are ones that don’t have a disadvantage. Seems everyone has some dis-advantage in life, but how we deal with them determine how much…

  • Thoughts About Value, Meaning, and Being Of Worth To Others

    Finding Real Reasons To Live What is value today in the minds of most people? It seems they respect money, power, and the illusions of grander. What could they find about someone like me to value? It certainly wouldn’t be my status, it wouldn’t be the money I have in the bank. There are not…

  • It Is Time To Wake UP

    I want to live Seems everyone is in a stupor, these days are tough. No one is paying attention to me. Either, they don’t care; or they couldn’t be bothered. My stories aren’t ranking very well, because no one is reading or searching for my work. I’ve noticed. The algorithms have noticed. For my work…

  • Visions For The Future – Essay

    Really, people have to start thinking about the world we want to live in. Many are overcome with despair; however that isn’t going to solve the problem. This essay is some of my visions for the future. Please take the time to read it. Space Exploration of outer space may be beneficial, with the understanding…

  • Notes From Earth

    My Cage Needs Torn DownNotes from a steppenwolf Are we living in a cage? The very fiber necessary to make life worth living, is missing from my existence. After taking inventory of what I have, it seems I have a cage. There are no friends, no job, no girlfriend in my life. The world lacks…

  • The Human Paradox

    The Difference; What Separates Men From Humans There are just a few things that really you need to know. While the topic will generate a broad discussion of many topics, the focus today is on the subject of what separates a man from a human. It is a popular misconception that all men are human.…

  • What Is A Real Man Today?

    What Is A Real Man After a long time of consideration I have compiled a list of things that I feel make a real man. There are songs about this, however no one really has answered the question in a satisfactory way that makes people say, “Yeah that is what a real man should be.”…