Category: fish
The Stranger
After forty-five years in this world some of the mystery is missing. Sometimes a stranger will smile, and in passing the whim that some might know of a life outside this world. Seems there are many strangers in this world. Seems to me; this is not my world. The current situations in this world leave…
Project Write A Book
Thoughts On Being An Author There are many activities in life that can bring a person happiness. Having a wonderful life is just the start, there are some things in life that everyone should try at least once. For me, this includes having written a book, or two. Being an author has a special kind…
Books I have Read
In all fairness, I’m not reading much these days. I have been focused on writing and doing creative things. In addition to writing, I have been making music, playing with making video, and doing photography. That said, I’m including a link to all the books I have read in the last twenty years. I have…
Thoughts On Validation – What Makes You, You?
Thoughts On Validation A few days ago, a subject came up about someone else and how they must feel about themselves. My Mumz said the persons self esteem must be rock bottom because the only validation she seeks is online. Below are a few of my thoughts on validation. After giving it some thought, I…
Why We Are Leaving There seem to be two sides in this world. Everyone is unhappy these days and everyone is trying to stab each other in the back. There is no peace in this world. It is a sad state of affairs. The hostilities in this world are more than one can tolerate. The…
Creative Environments
Creative Advice This is a short essay I wrote about creative environments. It’s not a complete book, it is however only some very basic ideas to help people get started. It is by no means complete. Hence it is not perfect. Please don’t base life upon this document. It’s not a guide, it’s not even…
Found A Problem: They all have machine minds!
They Aren’t Going To Like The Truth I think, most people find the truth to be a real problem. They don’t like having their illusions destroyed. That is why, most humans really enjoy the illusions of life. The Human Race Everyone here that is a human is just living clay. They are nothing more than…