Category: aquarium
In conversation, I mentioned that someone had once said, “An idea could change the world, if you ram it down enough people’s throats.” It seems though, that they are so dense; I would have to tape the idea to the side of a rock for it to be useful. They said, “Sugar coat it.” Thinking…
New Site: The Long Road
My book has been finished for almost a year, it is here waiting for you to read it. You can check the website out, read a sample chapter, and buy the book. It is perfect if you have an Apple iPad to read digital books on. The book is called: The Long Road. It was…
Balance This
Validation Systems Essay The world has some problems. Many of them can be solved. On matters of being valid, there is a complete lack of uniformity. This problem has created the mess this country and world now faces. There are a lot of reasons people can feel valid. There is however something very toxic about…
Really Living
Argue the Facts and The Argument To each their own. People come in different flavors in this world. Everyone has different experiences, and levels of ability. Some people are like the butterfly, some resemble dogs, while others are much closer to being house cats. There are some people that are like lions. There are some…
Vivo Vim, Finis Autem Somnium
Dreams are strange things. Sometimes we have dreams that we never act on. You know the ones that it just seems like it wouldn’t ever really happen in real life. I’ve had some dream in my time. Some of them, I have worked diligently for years to see them come to life. Thus far, they…
The End Of The Yuppies
Interesting times. One of my favorite memories was being in my twenty’s at the time, working a cool job; and lunch was $20 bucks. Back then, the $20 dollar bill was lovingly referred to as a Yuppy food coupon. Seems those days are long gone. An ode to my youth. Seems these days; even the…
Always Pick The Hot Knife Over The Hot Mess
Always Pick The Hot Knife Over The Hot Mess Act as though your life depends upon it. Always pick the hot knife over the hot mess. Life is too short to spend it wasting your time. A hot mess might look great, but technically will only waste your time, and make you miserable. Even if…
Life is, Things Are
On The Bounce, Stow that crap! Life has been strange the last year. What most people don’t like about the last year, is what my life has been like for many years. This is really nothing new to me. Same crap, different day. You know? However, my point about this year being strange still stands.…
Dear Goth
My latest project is one that should have been done ten years ago. Back in the day; my life was much darker. I’ve since come a long ways since my dear goth days, however; the spirit won’t die. Thus, I’ve kept the work around in the hopes of making good use of it someday. You…