Category: aquarium

  • Mercury Retrograde

    In just a few brief days, mercury will go retrograde again. The timing seems to be just the worst this year. With the election coming in less than a month, this mercury retrograde is going to be the worst thing to happen in a long while. This year from October 13 2020, until November 3,…

  • The Stranger

    After forty-five years in this world some of the mystery is missing. Sometimes a stranger will smile, and in passing the whim that some might know of a life outside this world. Seems there are many strangers in this world. Seems to me; this is not my world. The current situations in this world leave…

  • Notes About Self Esteem

    Well Being: Notes About Self Confidence Self confidence is factored based upon three main things. Physical health, emotional health, and social health. If you want to improve your self esteem, work on all three of those important factors. Physical Health Regular Exercise Eat Healthy Grooming and Dress Good oral hygiene Emotional Health Strength of character…

  • Two Sides To Choose From

    The Cats Side Of The Story We want left alone. There will be no talking about anything. We have enough food for tonight, and we just want to watch the TV. I’m not going to worry about anything like the future, what would that accomplish; nothing! We are perfectly happy wasting out lives, and besides…

  • Project Write A Book

    Thoughts On Being An Author There are many activities in life that can bring a person happiness. Having a wonderful life is just the start, there are some things in life that everyone should try at least once. For me, this includes having written a book, or two. Being an author has a special kind…

  • The Humans Vacation

    When Tomorrow Is October Looking back, the life we want and the life we have don’t always look the same. Sometimes they are very different. And knowing what path to take at a young age is seldom obvious. Seems sometimes you have to fly by the seat of your own pants. Sometimes things are too…

  • Thoughts

    Life is what God and men make it. Seems humans haven’t been doing a very good job keeping things in good shape, or running smoothly. My thoughts about this are that peoples attitudes and priorities are not in line with what matters the most. Seems everyone these days is kind of bent in some way.…

  • Books I have Read

    In all fairness, I’m not reading much these days. I have been focused on writing and doing creative things. In addition to writing, I have been making music, playing with making video, and doing photography. That said, I’m including a link to all the books I have read in the last twenty years. I have…

  • YouTube Channel

    I need a hundred subscribers to my Youtube channel to be able to have a custom URL for my channel. The current URL isn’t very pretty and it would help me a lot if I could have my brand name as the Youtube channel URL. This is the current URL for my channel. It…

  • Surprise For You

    Read This: Never Human!! After thinking about it for a very long time. I want to open your eyes. So you can see clearly, and maybe understand a little better. You want to be a politician? You want to be a business man? You want to be an actor? You want to be a rock…