Category: aquarium

  • Deeper Connections

    There is need to be more whole. There is need to heal. We need some good medicine. The way things have been, there seems to be no end to the misery, but to really be healthy is really important. Seems they don’t teach the kind of connections one needs. They teach you what to think,…

  • Rough Draft: Cosmology

    Some basic ideas for you to think about. I won’t as of yet put it all together for you. I will start some basic dialog of something to think about for a while. I’ve thought about life, a long time. There is the saying, Any idiot can make things bigger and bigger, but it takes…

  • Sometimes, I’m A Stranger

    I’ve been trying to quit smoking, now some two weeks. Its tough going. Just to let you know, I’ve been smoking cigarettes some twenty years. So these are big changes for me. A lot of tough times. Really, I smoked cigarettes until it killed me. I should have known better. I want to talk about…

  • This makes Sense!!

    Exactly!! Damn it!! And This!! So how do we make this better?

  • The Difference. The Creative Artists And The Content Factories

    Life has changed a great deal in twenty years. This world, doesn’t really feel like the same place it once was. Some people are not unhappy with the way this is. I want to talk about the difference I see about something that has been going on online. They say, content is king. But what…

  • Mercury Retrograde Page

    Sometimes there are things you want to know. It may not be useful to everyone; however, some people may find this page of use. I designed a page that shows the current status of Mercury retrogrades. At first, I thought that I could build the calculations myself, and learn how to do this all myself.…

  • How You Can Prove The Matrix Is Just A Movie Absolving Yourself

    In the day; The Matrix was a real head banger. It was a really smart movie about a problem, that most people could get a sense of excitement about. Now days, it is mostly a forgotten film; something people still have in their library but have seen a thousand times too many. It was a…

  • Everybody Hurts

    What is the harm in ghosting people? Sometimes people do not give a shit. They do not care who they hurt, or how much harm it does. The problem is when large groups of people set out to harm someone, they usually are successful. Ghosting people is harmful. You may think it harmless, you however…

  • Ghosts Writing For Zombies; How Quaint

    All for some good humor. However, the joke has been carried all too far. Should the play not look too expensive? You would think, deaths stiff stare would have made the glee glaze. No one is reading. No one it seems really cares. I feel like a ghost in this world. This world, it feels…

  • Advice: important factors living a well balanced badass life to be happy

    You want to be happy? You need to find the right balance in life. Most people that are unhappy are not living a balanced life. When things are not balanced, it leaves huge holes in your life. Finding balanced living will make you happier. You will not feel fulfilled; or have any sense of satisfaction…