Category: aquarium

  • The New Economy And The Demise Of Startups – How To Protect Yourself

    The last twenty years have been really interesting. Much has changed, or taken shape with technology and digital lifestyles. The innovation that has taken place has been truly groundbreaking. I don’t want to leave you heartbroken, there is news. The End The days of the startups will end. The period of innovation and mass drain…

  • Rare Birds – How The System Is Creating The Extinction Of Species In The Job Market

    The Problem: Life has some problems, some of them are serious. There has been a steady de-valuation of human life for some time. These problems are likely caused by supply and demand, or the lack thereof. Seems the supply of humans is high, and the demand is low. Thus, they have lost some of their…

  • Don’t Just Exist – Be Creative

    Strive To Inspire Life can be rough, you have to do what you can. It helps when you are working for the right reasons. Being creative adds a lot of enjoyment to life, and makes life better. If you are not being creative, start today! Here are some ideas for creative things you can do…

  • LifeStyle On Edge – Thoughts On A Pretty Good Day

    On being like a tree After a pretty good day, with nothing worse than a mild headache, it seems there are days that this living death is more bearable. Progress was made, and I’ve been thinking today about potential. Well thinking about potential, and how to define success. Seems there are ways we forget what…

  • Philosophical Empowerment

    Make Yourself Better! Through reason, one can improve their life. You have to understand, without being able to reason, nothing else is of value. Or has very little value for very short periods of time. The mess society finds itself in today; what a mess! phi·los·o·phy /fəˈläsəfē/ noun the study of the fundamental nature of…

  • Start Living Your Life Better – Stop Living Like Zombies

    Today’s post will be an audio post, seems no one is reading these days; maybe someone will listen instead? You never know, life has to get better, life has to change for the better. This was today’s project. Not much going on, same crap, different day. Maybe we should give ourselves a good talking to,…

  • Accomplishments This Year

    Here is a rundown of my year so far to date. Accomplishments This year has been busy. I’ve done a lot in a short period of time. More than most people do in an entire year. Below are the things I’ve been working on this year. Videos This year, I have made six videos. Some…

  • A Brief Guide On How To Write

    The Basics In A Nutshell In simple terms, writing is thinking for your audience. They are going to have to think every word you write. Therefore, your authors voice has to be easy and gentile enough that the reader can understand it. People in general, they don’t like to have to think too much. So…

  • In The Flux – My Digital Chaos

    Rise It has been a few days since I wrote, and I’ve just finished a project that I want to talk about with you. My new video is out on YouTube now, and my feelings are it turned out pretty darn good. It started with an idea, about the meaning of being lost, and finding…

  • 8 Steps to Beautify Your Heart, Mind, and Soul To Be Happier

    Start Today!! Life is not always pretty, and to keep our minds in good condition, sometimes it is necessary to do some maintenance. Recently I was thinking about what qualities I want to have and seek in others. Thus, this article was born from the thoughts of how to beautify my mind. They say beauty…