Category: Courage

  • Thoughts

    Life is what God and men make it. Seems humans haven’t been doing a very good job keeping things in good shape, or running smoothly. My thoughts about this are that peoples attitudes and priorities are not in line with what matters the most. Seems everyone these days is kind of bent in some way.…

  • Surprise For You

    Read This: Never Human!! After thinking about it for a very long time. I want to open your eyes. So you can see clearly, and maybe understand a little better. You want to be a politician? You want to be a business man? You want to be an actor? You want to be a rock…

  • Thoughts On Validation – What Makes You, You?

    Thoughts On Validation A few days ago, a subject came up about someone else and how they must feel about themselves. My Mumz said the persons self esteem must be rock bottom because the only validation she seeks is online. Below are a few of my thoughts on validation. After giving it some thought, I…

  • How to use technology to calibrate yourself

    You can do this!! We have a lot of tools at our disposal, the question is: Are we using them? Likely the answer is no. However we should! So ask yourself how to use your technology tools to calibrate yourself for success. Your Phone This is your greatest tool. Your phone is likely the most…

  • Calibrate Yourself For Success

    The True Need To Calibrate Yourself For Success In times such as these, there is something everyone needs to be aware of. We have been living in our comfort zones, and when times were easy that was a good thing. To be successful, we have to calibrate ourselves for success. However the times they are…

  • How I Journaled Six Million Words

    How I Journaled Six Million Words In Ten Years Sometimes writing is a necessity. Sometimes it is for fun. I had never really started with the idea of writing a lot. I feel the minimalist urge to write better quality and a lot less dribble. My journals were an answer to a problem. To have…

  • Song

    Here is some music. After an almost eight year hiatus from making music, I’m thinking about getting back into the groove of things. I’ve been so damn bored, it seems only logical. Therefore groove on. I’ve found out, life isn’t fair. You got to get tough. Life is trying to kill everyone, don’t let it…

  • Human Mechanics

    Human Mechanics, the study of what makes humans The careful study of the human race can reveal some very interesting facts. I like to call this study, human mechanics. After forty-five years of learning about humans, some of the mystery has vanished. That isn’t to say it wasn’t interesting, because in all honesty; it’s been…

  • Potential To Change The World

    Potential There is a lot of potential in life. Everyone has some for something. The question is if we make use of our potential? A lot of people get comfortable, and want to live like warm bodies with clean faces. Anything that requires something new is considered to be too difficult. Yet, we have this…

  • Comfort Zones

    Comfort Zones If there is one thing that will knock your creativity for a sour loop, it is your comfort zones. You get comfortable, you get too comfortable, and your creativity starts to take a nose dive. I’ve heard it said, “Stay hungry, stay foolish!” I had always thought its good advice and while I…