Category: Future

  • Start X YouTube Video

    My Digital Chaos has a new video out. Check it out and subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Start X is about putting kindness and compassion back into life. Life has to get better for everyone, and right quick. My Digital Chaos offers Fine Art Photography and Books to free thinkers. Why don’t you click the…

  • YouTube Channel

    I need a hundred subscribers to my Youtube channel to be able to have a custom URL for my channel. The current URL isn’t very pretty and it would help me a lot if I could have my brand name as the Youtube channel URL. This is the current URL for my channel. It…

  • Blocking Blue Light

    Blocking Blue Light With Glasses If you use a computer or device for very long you are likely being exposed to blue light. This blue light has some effects on your mood and well being. Prolonged exposure to blue light can effect your sleep and make you cranky. So how do you block blue light…

  • Encrypted Email: s/mime vs PGP

    Get Secure Encrypted Email There are two options for encrypting email. Which one you choose depends entirely upon what your needs are. Although I can make some suggestions for what works well on Macintosh systems. S/Mime This uses a secure certificate and works well for use on a Macintosh. I’ve found good success with using…

  • Potential To Change The World

    Potential There is a lot of potential in life. Everyone has some for something. The question is if we make use of our potential? A lot of people get comfortable, and want to live like warm bodies with clean faces. Anything that requires something new is considered to be too difficult. Yet, we have this…

  • Generation X

    What Time Is It? Hey folks, I know it’s been a few weeks since I connected with you and actually wrote something. It’s been a few weeks because I have been doing my due diligence on working on my website. That however isn’t the only thing that I have been doing. Today I’m going to…

  • Cookie Cutter Aspects

    Aspect Ratio These are raw ideas that need to be developed. Please provide feedback. Thanks. When photographing a subject, the perspective is everything. So I have spent the last twenty-five years photographing my mind to come to some very important conclusions. There are things in today’s cookie cutter society that makes everyone a lot alike.…

  • The Ultimate Selfie

    The Ultimate It’s the year twenty eighteen. The world is in chaos, people aren’t able to make ends meet, they can not agree on what to eat for supper much less who should be president. Everyone is an expert, which basically means that everyone has reduced all the possibilities to such a narrow ledge they…

  • Read This!!!!!

    Drinking Sapphire Wine Hey Here are some idea’s. These are for those of us who are tired of the ways of being locked into something we don’t like. The idea itself is nothing new. However I want to bring it back to the light for all of us to think about. What if we could…

  • Life explained!

    Life explained! The creative process hasn’t finished yet. Think of it as using a three dimensional printer to make a three dimensional printer. Except the process is doing something else. That’s life explained in the simple terms of it. If you were going to be building something large and complex. You would naturally want to…