Category: happy

  • How Zombies Live – The Uselessness of being an Alive poet

    Some thoughts. Today’s project: What is wrong with the world? What is wrong with the world They don’t beg poets to write another stanza. they don’t beg writers to tell them a story. They don’t beg the painter for pictures of beauty. If anything, the bleeding hearts, the poets, the misfits, the dreamers. They are…

  • From A Dark Place

    Towards The Light Mercury is out of retrograde. Thank goodness, that is over now. Maybe life will get moving in the right direction now? Maybe! I am bored right now, thus writing for the enjoyment of writing, without regard to real purpose or having something real important to say. It does seem, to me, even…

  • Posse Bonus Post, Something Happy?

    This is your posse bonus post this month. This photo of the dolphins was just too much to pass up, I had to post it. It is just so darn cool. Wish that I could get some dolphin time, alas life is. There is some good to be had, if you look for it; sometimes,…

  • Books I have Read

    In all fairness, I’m not reading much these days. I have been focused on writing and doing creative things. In addition to writing, I have been making music, playing with making video, and doing photography. That said, I’m including a link to all the books I have read in the last twenty years. I have…

  • Surprise For You

    Read This: Never Human!! After thinking about it for a very long time. I want to open your eyes. So you can see clearly, and maybe understand a little better. You want to be a politician? You want to be a business man? You want to be an actor? You want to be a rock…