Category: Hooks

  • Should Have Been Done Long Ago…

    This mission should have come to completion by now. We are almost six hundred days over due for change. Seems a large portion of the problem is that no one listens to me, and they ignore me as if I don’t exist. As if somehow they believe that if they don’t read what I write…

  • Perl Logs and Planet X

    Tales of Perl Monks…. Far, far from earth. Somewhere in the milky-way galaxy. There is a planet, from the perl monks. That their ways have created, crafted, and simulated. It only exists now as neural simulation from the games we have now. You can feel it when you dream at night. You can hear it…

  • Man Vs Machine

    This is the story of the revolution. They say that John Henry once beat that steam drill, and though it killed the man, there was no doubt about who was better. Seems life in the twenty first century there is a new steam drill that needs it’s ass kicked back to being fortran and jumbled…

  • The Dragon In Spider Webs

    In the year twenty nineteen, there are a many great number of things in the wash right now. People are frazzled, dazed and confused so to speak. A lot of it has to do with the current system of what has been built by perhaps well meaning people, but those that are not aware of…

  • Instruction Manual: How to operate a Cheese Danish!

    The following instruction are a basic guide on how to operate a cheese danish. While there are many varieties of cheese danish, only the real cheese danish from Denmark will do. The other varieties may have some good qualities, however they fail to produce as much wealth as the kind from Denmark. First after preparation…

  • Misfit Tough!!

    Life’s rough and if a man is going to make it he has to be tough. It’s time for people to wake up. Get on the ship and don’t miss your boat. We’ve already called time to evac Pluto. There are other planets in line too. To be kind while still being tough. Like a…

  • Day Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Seven

    Alone. Stranded in some bad dream with robots that fail to listen. I said “Stere the Ship Starboard.” When they neither turned or slowed down, I checked the anchor, it’s in the rocks. Seems the helmsman has been drinking but I doubt it is Rum, or Scotch. I’m going to whine, life’s not fair. No…

  • Day 78 – Ghost In The Shell

    There was once a man enslaved by his shadow. It freighted him a good deal. Everywhere he went, his shadow was sure to follow. He played games, and tricks of the game to keep his mind on guard. Then one day he tired so much of the stupid game that he decided to go for…

  • Day 74 Whisky On The Rocks

    There is a sour mash, it’s not like a monster mash. It’s bitter stuff, best to spit it out. We only want scotch neat. What a treat. It’s another day, more of the same. When everything seems to be the same shit, different day; then hold on tight. Stay sober, don’t have that drink. You…

  • Day One Thousand Fifty One

    You are a model citizen. One of the best. You liked to snore to classical music, and lolled your tongue like you didn’t have a care in the world. But we know you were really worried about the future, and how it would all turn out for our small ship. Your life is more than…