Category: Humor

  • Chaos In Motion: My Site!

    Just a quick update. my digital chaos is now random at All the photos and text from the Did you know are loaded in random orders. If you refresh the page, it will look totally different. This has been a project that has been going on for a while now, and now it’s done.…

  • Did You Know…

    There is a whole page on my site devoted to did you know quips. But that isn’t what i want to talk about. This did you know is brought to you by the sky. Did you know that clouds can melt? Have the conditions ever been just right that you watch the very clouds melt…

  • The Generation

    The greatest minds of my generations have been nearly destroyed and wiped out. It seems that the effects of today’s society has broken the spirits of those that dare to dream. Few have survived the fall of grace from the table set so high that even robots couldn’t achieve status. I’ve seen most people try.…

  • Poets

    Poets are the light in a dark place, even when they dive into dark themes. -ctopher In thinking about the power of poetry. It is not only the ability to define logic and reason, but it’s also conductive to making those who have lost hope, or feel worn out feel alive again. It can kindle…

  • Digital Chaos Redux

    In the beginning, there was a computer. The computer geeks programmed the computer to do their will. Somewhere in the flux of the ether, and the fits to be had; not everyone was happy about it. That is to say that it made a great number of people very unhappy. Now days it seems that…