Category: life
A Brief Guide On How To Write
The Basics In A Nutshell In simple terms, writing is thinking for your audience. They are going to have to think every word you write. Therefore, your authors voice has to be easy and gentile enough that the reader can understand it. People in general, they don’t like to have to think too much. So…
In The Flux – My Digital Chaos
Rise It has been a few days since I wrote, and I’ve just finished a project that I want to talk about with you. My new video is out on YouTube now, and my feelings are it turned out pretty darn good. It started with an idea, about the meaning of being lost, and finding…
Why Quality Food Matters and Makes Life Enjoyable
You Get Hungry Sometimes. . . Having something to eat is a good thing. Having really good food is important; as it adds to the quality of life that you can live. When the food is just bland, dull, and frozen; it isn’t as good as having a fresh cooked meal that tastes delicious. You…
Posse Bonus Post, Something Happy?
This is your posse bonus post this month. This photo of the dolphins was just too much to pass up, I had to post it. It is just so darn cool. Wish that I could get some dolphin time, alas life is. There is some good to be had, if you look for it; sometimes,…
What Is Advantageous?
Not All Things Are Advantageous What is advantageous in this world? After giving it some level of thought, there are some points I can make about this subject. The most advantageous options are ones that don’t have a disadvantage. Seems everyone has some dis-advantage in life, but how we deal with them determine how much…
Thoughts About Value, Meaning, and Being Of Worth To Others
Finding Real Reasons To Live What is value today in the minds of most people? It seems they respect money, power, and the illusions of grander. What could they find about someone like me to value? It certainly wouldn’t be my status, it wouldn’t be the money I have in the bank. There are not…
A Life I Used To Have –This Cage Holds Me Tight
My life used to be very different. In terms of a life that resembles my life previously, this life is nothing close to what I used to have. The life I used to have is a distant memory of what I have now. This cage holds me tight in its grip. When I was growing…
Do Something Great
Lord knows, I’m trying. Seems it takes gigantic effort in life to really do something great. You have to work your butt off. Even then, you may feel like, no one will notice. How can anyone do something great? I would like to explore the idea. Some say, “Some day, I’m going to change the…