Category: Motivations

  • Oppression Sucks

    You know, they wouldn’t let me talk, and when I did; they didn’t listen. Thus, I wrote an awful lot. Because it was the only way I could express myself in a way that I was not being interrupted. Oppression sucks; seems, no one could care! What I have found will shock you. The truth…

  • How To Spot People That Seem Good, And Are Really Toxic

    In today’s world a person needs good survival skills. It is easy to get people that have toxic traits and think they are okay people. A lot of people today, are only self validated; and they all think they are great! The trouble comes when they think they are great, and really very toxic people…

  • Want To Change Your Life? Answer This: What Is Noble In Today’s Society?

    There has to be a way. . . Today’s modern world is something that has some problems. Really when one thinks about the world we are living in, it goes way beyond just having injustice in life. To stand up against injustice is the right thing to do; however, the better thing to do is…

  • Five Fun Projects Your Computer Can Do Today

    Everyone Needs A Project! Got a computer? Bored out of your mind? There is hope! What you need, is a project to work on. While everyone is a bit different, there are some things that are more fun than others. Make A Video If you have a digital camera, like an iPhone; you could make…

  • Rare Birds – How The System Is Creating The Extinction Of Species In The Job Market

    The Problem: Life has some problems, some of them are serious. There has been a steady de-valuation of human life for some time. These problems are likely caused by supply and demand, or the lack thereof. Seems the supply of humans is high, and the demand is low. Thus, they have lost some of their…

  • Philosophical Empowerment

    Make Yourself Better! Through reason, one can improve their life. You have to understand, without being able to reason, nothing else is of value. Or has very little value for very short periods of time. The mess society finds itself in today; what a mess! phi·los·o·phy /fəˈläsəfē/ noun the study of the fundamental nature of…

  • A Brief Guide On How To Write

    The Basics In A Nutshell In simple terms, writing is thinking for your audience. They are going to have to think every word you write. Therefore, your authors voice has to be easy and gentile enough that the reader can understand it. People in general, they don’t like to have to think too much. So…

  • In The Flux – My Digital Chaos

    Rise It has been a few days since I wrote, and I’ve just finished a project that I want to talk about with you. My new video is out on YouTube now, and my feelings are it turned out pretty darn good. It started with an idea, about the meaning of being lost, and finding…

  • 8 Steps to Beautify Your Heart, Mind, and Soul To Be Happier

    Start Today!! Life is not always pretty, and to keep our minds in good condition, sometimes it is necessary to do some maintenance. Recently I was thinking about what qualities I want to have and seek in others. Thus, this article was born from the thoughts of how to beautify my mind. They say beauty…

  • Depressed because of Bots, Buggers & Digital Oppression?

    I hate bots, digital oppression and some mad buggers wall In the digital age, life used to be a lot better. These days, you have to really be special to get found, read, or anyone to listen to you. There are so many writers these days, it is like a flood of text upon our…