Category: Motivations

  • SunDogMingo

    copyright © 2019 Ctopher Thomas Remote Civilizations In perfect weather that has been paradise for centuries, there is a group of beings that are envied through the galaxy over. These are the remnants of the buddhist monks from the twenty first century. Being highly skilled in self control they have mastered the art of thinking,…

  • Sharper Image? Do Laundry!

    A Sharper Image Being a photographer, I can tell you one of the biggest gripes you will ever hear from talking with photographers in general is that getting a picture to look sharp enough seems impossible. Even with the best lens, the high res .jpg, and Photoshop. Like those photographs, sometimes it’s tough to get…

  • Creative Environments

    Creative Advice This is a short essay I wrote about creative environments. It’s not a complete book, it is however only some very basic ideas to help people get started. It is by no means complete. Hence it is not perfect. Please don’t base life upon this document. It’s not a guide, it’s not even…

  • Generation X

    What Time Is It? Hey folks, I know it’s been a few weeks since I connected with you and actually wrote something. It’s been a few weeks because I have been doing my due diligence on working on my website. That however isn’t the only thing that I have been doing. Today I’m going to…

  • Is Solitude The Only Solution?

    What Really Matters In Life Personal Growth is one of the most important aspects to living when you wish to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Everyone seems to be an expert on how to make your life better. By just a few simple habits that when practiced on a daily basis will bring you a better…

  • The Story of Valdership

    A parable “Teach me how to think like you think, please.” The college freshman requested of his philosophy teacher. The professor looked for a moment into the sky and said, “I could no more teach you how to think like me, than it would be possible to teach you to think like a baboon.” The…

  • The Boomers Have It All Wrong

    Truth!! The world is a mess. Trying to conform to an insane world, makes you insane. The lies and deceit that make up what is normal is taking its toll. They are using double binds to complete the crazy making process. Obviously the boomers have it all wrong. I’ve read things about Generation X, some…

  • Life explained!

    Life explained! The creative process hasn’t finished yet. Think of it as using a three dimensional printer to make a three dimensional printer. Except the process is doing something else. That’s life explained in the simple terms of it. If you were going to be building something large and complex. You would naturally want to…

  • An Important Truth

    An Important Truth People that do creative things. The end goal is not to become a writer, or photographer, or painter. What we really want is the journey that takes us through all of the experiences that come with being creative. The end result is not to be just one thing, but to become a…