Category: Note to Self

  • Describe Value To You

    What Is Success? A lot of people in today’s world feel the bitter sting of having failed, or having failed at something. A lot of people today want instant success, which rarely if ever comes to knock. Some people want to be famous, or rich, or have fancy clothes and cars. While there may be…

  • Modern Culture

    Philosophy on Culture Today’s modern civilization is crumbling. There are many reasons for this and they are not difficult to identify. To pin point the exact cause of these problems will require a careful study of human history. It’s not in my best interest right now to be a history teacher. You will have to…

  • Is Solitude The Only Solution?

    What Really Matters In Life Personal Growth is one of the most important aspects to living when you wish to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Everyone seems to be an expert on how to make your life better. By just a few simple habits that when practiced on a daily basis will bring you a better…

  • The Boomers Have It All Wrong

    Truth!! The world is a mess. Trying to conform to an insane world, makes you insane. The lies and deceit that make up what is normal is taking its toll. They are using double binds to complete the crazy making process. Obviously the boomers have it all wrong. I’ve read things about Generation X, some…

  • The Mind

    The Supple Mind They say the mind can be as deep as the ocean and as wide as the sky. What they don’t tell you is that the mind is a maze filled with empty rooms, distractions, and time wasters. It’s loaded with paradoxes and booby traps. It has guards at some rooms that seem…

  • Note To Those That Care

    In my findings of searching life, exploring the options. Here is what I’ve found. This is not a writers market. This is not even a publishers market. My advice is that you spend your time writing your family and loved ones. Write brilliant letters to people that are real that you know personally. This is…