Category: Social

  • The Death Merchant: The Coffins Final Nail

    The Coffins Final Nail – Short Story There was once a man that was very unhappy. I know, being a vampire; I could feel his unhappiness from a thousand miles away. Quite literally the man was begging for death. Being a death merchant, I knew that my product was just perfect for him. It’s a…

  • Myths Of Dating….

    You know after having thought about it, some people believe in soul mates. After twenty years looking around the world of dating, I call bullshit. You would be hard pressed and damn lucky just to find someone with a soul these days. The world of living clay, if you can find someone with a soul…

  • The Fall. How modern society failed!!

    We seem to be living in interesting times. That seems to be a blessing and a curse, like some double edged sword in the hands of a mad man. Seems these days, just trying to get something to eat is like playing Russian roulette. Society has all the signs of imminent collapse. Everything is pretty…

  • What my work meant to me….

    After having been throughly reduced to nothing. The only real tangible piece left in my life is my work. It’s the one thing that has kept me sane through periods of having absolutely nothing left to live for. Being that I have no friends, no wife, no girlfriend, no job, and no one to talk…

  • Cause of Sadness

    I know this is going to be difficult for you to understand. I will try to put it in simple terms you can understand. There is such a thing as Emotional Starvation. It’s very painful. When you are like a flower in vase with your roots cut off and dying of strangulation. It’s worse than…

  • Modern Sorrows….

    Everyone is pretty unhappy. I know. I feel your pain. I do. Lord knows, I’ve got enough of my own. One of the biggest problems that keeps happening in today’s society is the problem with this existential crisis. Things are being loved, and people are being used. Everyone is in a very judgmental frame of…

  • Doubts? Stone Cold Hard Facts!!

    The chances of me becoming an internet celebrity is nill. As in actually “Null” So I have to ask myself what my purpose here is going to be. One of the thoughts that I keep going back to is who I want to influence. And to answer that question one must ask themselves how much…

  • Did You Know…

    There is a whole page on my site devoted to did you know quips. But that isn’t what i want to talk about. This did you know is brought to you by the sky. Did you know that clouds can melt? Have the conditions ever been just right that you watch the very clouds melt…

  • The Blue Sea….

    The blue sea, where the wind blows across the top of the water. The fish know nothing of the wind, maybe except flying fish. The whales and dolphins know. The birds know. But the fish in the depths of the sea? They haven’t a clue. Maybe they don’t care at all? Does the crab care…

  • Uniformity: Social Links

    In the process of creating some uniformity, I have simplified my handles online. Now that everything can be found at the following addresses. Instagram: @mydigitalchaos Twitter: @neo_ctopher Hopefully my creative efforts will work out. I’ve spent the last two and a half years working in almost total and complete isolation. It would be nice to…