Category: Writing

  • Project Write A Book

    Thoughts On Being An Author There are many activities in life that can bring a person happiness. Having a wonderful life is just the start, there are some things in life that everyone should try at least once. For me, this includes having written a book, or two. Being an author has a special kind…

  • Thoughts

    Life is what God and men make it. Seems humans haven’t been doing a very good job keeping things in good shape, or running smoothly. My thoughts about this are that peoples attitudes and priorities are not in line with what matters the most. Seems everyone these days is kind of bent in some way.…

  • Books I have Read

    In all fairness, I’m not reading much these days. I have been focused on writing and doing creative things. In addition to writing, I have been making music, playing with making video, and doing photography. That said, I’m including a link to all the books I have read in the last twenty years. I have…

  • How I Journaled Six Million Words

    How I Journaled Six Million Words In Ten Years Sometimes writing is a necessity. Sometimes it is for fun. I had never really started with the idea of writing a lot. I feel the minimalist urge to write better quality and a lot less dribble. My journals were an answer to a problem. To have…

  • Potential To Change The World

    Potential There is a lot of potential in life. Everyone has some for something. The question is if we make use of our potential? A lot of people get comfortable, and want to live like warm bodies with clean faces. Anything that requires something new is considered to be too difficult. Yet, we have this…

  • When Creativity Isn’t Enough

    Some Advice: This was originally a PDF, now its a blog post! Written November 14, 2018. There is a fine art in living. Living well is a mystery to most. Few have what it takes to find the secrets of life and still live a happy life. You will find that in use, the quality…

  • The Future: 1

    The Future: Story Planes no longer stop for passengers, if you want to make a stop in the next city, the only option is to jump. I have everything i need. My phone. Jumping from twenty thousand feet is a joy. When I land, they scan my phone, a transport van takes me to my…

  • My Digital Chaos – Quick Guide

    Quick Guide One of my goals is to make life better for everyone. After thinking for a long time about what I could personally do to make life better, this list was compiled. Each week we will release a new tip. So stay tuned and follow the story to help make your life better, and…

  • Why You Are Miserable…

    I have heard it said that five percent of the people think, ten percent think they think, and the other eighty five percent would rather die than think. This essay is for the ten percent that think they think. I want to feed your mind, you don’t have to think like me, you just have…

  • Tulips At Home….

    On two hundred acres, there is a lot of space. I remember the year, way back in ’28, we set aside two acres and planted tulips for a few years. Every summer we would walk through the tulip fields and watch the birds come and go. There is a lot more to it than that.…