Category: Writing

  • SunDogMingo

    copyright © 2019 Ctopher Thomas Remote Civilizations In perfect weather that has been paradise for centuries, there is a group of beings that are envied through the galaxy over. These are the remnants of the buddhist monks from the twenty first century. Being highly skilled in self control they have mastered the art of thinking,…

  • Captains Log

    Lost Love This underground account of the lost love that was only possible. Although it wasn’t practical. Adults forget the secrets they once knew. Mostly because the system tries to beat out any trace of wisdom or knowledge. Anything that isn’t hidden in Poetry. Even then your odds are based upon the probability of pi.…

  • Wanted: Lasting Peace

    Travels Through the years, there have been many road blocks to understanding, making reasonable progress. There have also been many obstacles in the way of positive change. These are not impossible hurdles, they are merely moments that people have to learn how to overcome. There are a few things that can be learned from Douglas…

  • The Moon Dilemma (WIP)

    Chapter One Sitting in the barbers chair and looking at the mirror at myself, I see myself as a man in my forty’s. Two days of stubble, and wry grin. It’s kinda a hard look for me. The moon pale skin and brown eyes that have seen enough to know too much, in a world…

  • Is Solitude The Only Solution?

    What Really Matters In Life Personal Growth is one of the most important aspects to living when you wish to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Everyone seems to be an expert on how to make your life better. By just a few simple habits that when practiced on a daily basis will bring you a better…

  • The Ultimate Selfie

    The Ultimate It’s the year twenty eighteen. The world is in chaos, people aren’t able to make ends meet, they can not agree on what to eat for supper much less who should be president. Everyone is an expert, which basically means that everyone has reduced all the possibilities to such a narrow ledge they…

  • Read This!!!!!

    Drinking Sapphire Wine Hey Here are some idea’s. These are for those of us who are tired of the ways of being locked into something we don’t like. The idea itself is nothing new. However I want to bring it back to the light for all of us to think about. What if we could…

  • Knowing The Path and Walking The Path

    Enlightenment an Essay Finding enlightenment can not be understood through teaching. No matter how many times you read this essay, you will not become enlightened as per se. You may be able to find a path that will lead to enlightenment. The journey is strictly up to you as your own being. That said, take…

  • Thinking and Feeling

    Importance When learning your way through your heart and mind, there is one thing that will change your life. To quote the famous philosopher, Aristotle. He said: It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. This is really true when searching for your life goals…

  • An Important Truth

    An Important Truth People that do creative things. The end goal is not to become a writer, or photographer, or painter. What we really want is the journey that takes us through all of the experiences that come with being creative. The end result is not to be just one thing, but to become a…