Creative Arts – In Peril Or Ready To Bloom, You Are Here!

We are living in unprecedented times. Its been since 1945 that America faced such gloom. That is a whole lifetime for some people. Looking around me, from what I read, what I see, and what I hear; these days are really tough. The creative arts is an important part of life, not just in this country; but in life in general.

Due to the pandemic many creative artists are in a real bind these days. Seems there isn’t any relief to be had from the way things are. And people have to eat sometimes.

I know my own struggles, it seems people have a high amount of apathy these days. As though, they couldn’t care about anyone but themselves; and it has been taken to an extreme by many. How can we ever get back to being a whole society, and being whole as beings again?

It seems the individual is the only fabric of our modern world. Because one person doesn’t have much force to drive in the face of public opinion these days. There are other causes, and other problems that have more attention. Seems everyone wants to be in the spotlight for their five seconds of glory.

The creative arts is an important part of life. How many people really appreciate the creative arts in today’s modern world? It seems the whole field is being neglected, and treated with indifference. Seems to be a problem with society, because they treat most people that way in today’s modern world.

There is some hope, that in the spring when this winter thaws, there will be new growth in the creative arts; that maybe this winter of life; will pass, and new work will rise up even better than before.

One can hope. Still, neglect, indifference, and apathy are running rampant these days. Someone is going to have to make us feel something again; and bring the human race back to life. Too many today are living like zombies. They don’t care, they couldn’t be bothered, and they are not interested in anything. Seems like a world of house cats to me.

Those same cats are going to get hungry someday. When the world is as dull and lifeless as the face of the moon, somehow I doubt they will bask in the glow and say they have a perfect world. At this point, they can go back to living in mud huts for all I care. I’m not looking for validation from humans in this world. Yet, there are problems that need solved and on the bounce too.

My art, my writing, my feelings, they are are dis-regarded as worthless. It seems there is nothing I could do or say that would make them give any sign of caring. Pity; because if they listened, they might learn something important. I have experience in some things that are uncommon, and not the usual boujee junk most people are trying to promote. Somehow, I seriously doubt anyone is going to listen to me. It feels like screaming into the ears of a deaf cat.

Someday, they won’t be able to object. There will be a time, they are simply out of time; with nothing they can do about it. You would think, they would care before it reaches that point, but alas, they seem far too dumb to think it through.

I was looking to doing more work, in the near future; maybe something much better than the work previously produced. Seems what I need these days is a muse. They are in short supply these days; tough times.

Times are going to continue to get worse, if nothing changes, then it will very likely get only worse for everyone. At some point, you have to wonder if they will feel the sacrifice would be worth what it cost? Everyone has a pain point, and when the pain is great; they are more willing to pay for having relief. If they were smart, they would avoid the pain altogether, and take the best action ahead of time. Seems, they aren’t going to do what is good.

The world is a mess, and maybe we need a lot of people to start to wake up; life is short, and if you don’t have some long term goals that are looking to change the world in two centuries or longer, then you are wasting everyone’s time, energy, and money. We need some real vision about the future that will make life really better.

Most people don’t talk about the future, most are stuck on the problems of today; and few ever think the problems of today will effect the problems of tomorrow. They are however all connected. So some things simply have to start to change for the better.

Don’t neglect the creative arts in life. Some of these people seem to have enough apathy to silence whole groups of people with just a cross look. Yet, someone is going to have to make life better. People that are doing things, they are the ones to watch; because they change things, sometimes for the better.

And what we need at this point, is better. You are here, at the cross road in life, where change can still be made for the better, you do however have to choose to make life better, because the world in a few hundred years won’t be as pretty if you fail to choose right.

You are here, do something good today, for a better future.

Photo Credit: Photo by Aleks Marinkovic on Unsplash

Written by Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit

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