Towards The Light
Mercury is out of retrograde. Thank goodness, that is over now. Maybe life will get moving in the right direction now? Maybe! I am bored right now, thus writing for the enjoyment of writing, without regard to real purpose or having something real important to say.
It does seem, to me, even if I had something important to say; no one would listen. They seem to have no way to value my effort, as though it doesn’t mean much of anything to them.
Bored with the status of my life, bored with the way this life has been treating me; life has been kicking my dog, going to have to do something about that damn cat!
Not much going on. I feel better now, mercury is out of retrograde, and it was a rough few weeks with that one. Maybe other people will lighten up now, and life will start to be better again? One can hope!
I’ve been working on a few projects, some of them are coming alone rather well. My project for my day in photos; it is done, been posting everyday to the site. If you want to check it out: My Day.
My other projects are going well. Finished some tough javascript problems this morning, and have solved most all of them with a very clever working solution. I’m happy about that. My site, Misfit.Ctopher.Me is coming along very well, it’s not really getting any traffic, but its been over a year in development. I do have a few other projects with that site, things I would like to do with it.
My other project, Lord knows; it needs a lot of help. It is a good idea, but it will require a lot of development to reach the status I’m looking for. Seems my projects have all met their maker. Wish they could meet you too!
I’m bored. Not much going on. Been isolated a lot, I mean; an awful lot the last month has been rough going. I am productive, but my social life is not looking all that good. I’m not really sure how to fix the damn problem. You would think, someone would have cared by now? Seems it’s a pity that life is like it is. It could have been really good. You know?
Life has to change, for the better. It has been rough going, the last twenty years; they have all been rough. It has made me tough, it might have also made me mean, but that is subjective.
Not much going on, I cooked a meal tonight. Roast beef melt with cheese, horseradish, and onion. It was good, I ate it before I could photograph it, I guess that I wasn’t thinking when I sat down to eat it, because I forgot to take a photo. These digital lifestyles can get difficult to keep up with, after a while, I guess you get into the habit.
I had other things on my mind, and not going to elaborate on that.
Bored! Life is, Things are. Trying to find some way to deal with that concept. It is easy to deal with, if you have the right frame of mind. Sometimes, it helps to be accepting of the situation, that things are the way that they are, and deal with it.
Still, I have some parts of my life, I would really like to see change for the better. I’m not sure, it seems my dreams have become stale, and I’m working on finding some new dreams. I’ve been avoiding making music for a few months now, I would like to get back into the groove; but it seems a ways off.
I have mostly been doing heavy duty programming the last month, with a few projects completed, I’m even learning javascript. That is something I have put off, like twenty years. I have found that I’m getting the hang of it these days. Thank goodness for Google.
The dogs are happy, if life wasn’t kicking them. Going to have to do something about that cat! Bring your dog, he can play the wolf for the evening. We have two spoiled doggies, that could use some time with another doggie.
Bored. I’ve been putting off writing for a month now, mostly because; no one reads, regardless of how much effort I put into it, or how well I’m writing, it seems no one cares anymore.
I had hoped that my writing would have proved my sanity, somehow, that seems impossible. They don’t give a damn about my effort. Pity, I wanted my life better, and I wanted it a long time ago.
I’ve lost weight, I am now down to about 167, which I am very happy about. Its starting to feel good to be thin again. It has been twenty years since I was down to this weight. I’m glad it has started coming off. It is a big relief to be losing weight.
My hair is long these days, and I am happier than I have been in fifteen years. That is doing really very well, from where I’ve been, I can say that I’ve come an awful long ways from where I was.

This photo was from a few weeks ago. My hair has gotten long, much longer than it has ever been. That is for sure. I keep the sides short, and the back short too. It is almost 12″ on top. I think its a nice look. Now, if I could only get a job, I need a job man.
That is about the summary. Life, in a nutshell.
Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit!
Photo Credit: Photo by Intricate Explorer on Unsplash