How To Prove Your Sanity

Proving My Sanity

After giving it a lot of thought, for a very long time; these are some lessons I have learned the hard way.

Really to be able to prove one’s sanity they must be able to define sanity.

Google says the definition of sanity is: “the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner” That is also the Oxford dictionaries definition of sanity.

So through thinking, and behaving in a rational manner, one can prove their own sanity. There are many things in today’s society that are accepted as normal, rational, and even encouraged.

Where the problem comes into play is this: When a person is subjected to situations that are not reasonable, rational, or logical, then they are forced to choose between irrational, or illogical choices.

Seems in my lifetime, this very life; I have time and time again been in situations that were not reasonable, or rational. Yet, I have taken the sanest possible path out of those situations.

A sane person in logical and reasonable situations that does the reasonable and logical course of action is by all means sane. However, let’s examine an important idea.

Suppose a sane person was subjected to irrational conditions, or situations that were unreasonable. Suppose the situation was designed to be impossible, just to set up a situation where the person could have doubt cast upon them.

Thereby once the doubt was created, they could pigeon hole the person as not being sane, thereby setting up situations to humiliate, dehumanize, and rob them of their dignity. Thus, through crafty measures, they continue the farce of the persons lack of sanity; when it was them that created the situation in the first place.

There are things the human race have withheld from me. There are also conditions the human race have created that have caused me great harm. Let’s examine a few of them.

  1. Withholding love and affection.
  2. Conditions equal to or worse than solitary confinement.
  3. Gas Lighting.
  4. Neglect, Indifference.
  5. Outright abuse.

This effectively puts the whole human race in negative standing. They have time, and time again created situations that were impossible, irrational, and unreasonable.

And by what standards do they judge what is reasonable, and rational? Because if you looked the world we are living in today, it would seem the whole world has lost its mind.

Most people are on the brink of a nervous breakdown at any moment with the slightest drop of a pin. And that kind of conditions is not reasonable, or rational. To have to appease other people that are on the brink of a nervous breakdown, because they can not deal with the situation, is impossible situations.

Really these people that are in power are control freaks. They can not stand anyone that dares to dream, think, or reason on anything they themselves haven’t already thought of. They are not dreamers, or people that really want to inspire others. They believe that holding the status quo, regardless of what needs done is the way to go.

My belief is their problem is they are blind. They can not see the problem, because their own vision is not clear, or realistic. Life in this world is changing, and to be able to live in a sane and rational way; you have to be able to adapt to the changes that are taking place. One of them is being able to think bigger than a living turd.

Because it seems to me, what they really want, are warm sacks of shit. They want those that do what they are told, just like they are told, and never question the reasons why. If that is the standard by which they are going to hold people, they should make that clear from the start. Because creating double bind situations where you are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t is only proving to be manipulative weapons of warfare.

Seems, the human race will stop at nothing to do what they want. They are not reasonable, rational people. And they expect everyone to conform to their insane ways and customs, without regard for what others feel to also be right. Really, that is setting up impossible situations that are not rational.

So yes, a sane person is someone that in reasonable and rational situations does the reasonable and rational things. However, a person that does the best they can under irrational, illogical, and unreasonable situations is no less sane for it.

I would like to see anyone live my life, and do better than I have. After years of having proved myself, doing logical, reasonable things, no one has recognized my status. This seems very unfair of them, to have done that to me. Pity.

What is reasonable in today’s world? If people are subjugated to being nothing more than warm sacks of shit, then no one will come along and change the situation. And to be honest, life could be better for everyone for a long time. So what kind of world do you want to live in? You want rational, logical, and reasonable people? Stop creating situations that are insane.

Unless they stop creating insane situations, life will not get better. When they start being reasonable, and turn to being loving, kind humans, then it may be possible for life to change.

This is the first draft of this article.

Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit

Photo Credit: Photo by Gioele Fazzeri on Unsplash

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