On being like a tree
After a pretty good day, with nothing worse than a mild headache, it seems there are days that this living death is more bearable. Progress was made, and I’ve been thinking today about potential.
Well thinking about potential, and how to define success. Seems there are ways we forget what really matters. To be happy, sometimes we get close, so very close; yet it seems just not close enough.
The difference between genius and insanity is success.
Albert Einstein
How one defines success can be subjective. What is one persons success is someone else’s nightmare. Might depend upon what movies you watch. You know?
Been thinking about my definitions of what it means to me. I was out back smoking a cigarette, when an idea struck me. It didn’t hurt, as a matter of a fact, I laughed about it. The idea was this: working a nine to five job; is basically daycare where they pay you to be there.
In a world of alternative facts, it helps sometimes to have something concrete to measure by. I wonder what people in life really think? Seems so many today are close to success, they are close to being happy, close to being alive; yet, the distance is overwhelming to them.
How can you be so close, yet feel so unhappy? Seems the stuff that makes us happy, is elusive sometimes. And you think, someday; I’m going to catch that feeling.
Sometimes, my days are more productive than a dozen monks contemplating their navels. Other times, my days don’t get me very far. It seems, this lifestyle is on the edge of being close to what I want, yet; not close enough. There is no glass ceiling; however, there are some hard limits to what I can do.
Trying to work with what I have. Sometimes, I think about what I could do, or should be doing. I’m better off sometimes, with what I am doing. There is a sense of accomplishment from what I do. And the feeling that happiness is near, not far off. So close.
If you don’t count what you could have, or what you need; then where you are could be better than a lot of other options. I’ve given some thought to those who are happiest, and it seems those who need the least; while having all of their needs met, would be the best off.
I have some needs, not a lot. I’ve thought about how to make do with less. There are some parts of modern life, it’s not possible to live without. You shouldn’t even try.
When a person has some comfort, and it suffices; then what more could one really need?
The problem is when comfort is lacking, and nothing will satisfy. The person that is happiest, is the ones that are the most content. But too much comfort is a burden. So there has to be balance.
Thus, how does one define success?
Those that are the most content, with the necessary comforts, without having burdens that are difficult.
Then again, one persons success would be another persons living hell. So there is difference of what works for each person. The secret is to find your spot without getting yourself into trouble.
Use good judgement. To each their own. Do not oppress your fellow men. Make life good for yourself while doing no harm to others of your kind.
Hence, I’ve learned something new. Or at least; explored a way to think about it. Having the philosophy to reason on, and the ideas lined up that make the most sense; that is the battle.
Seems, I could be happy; a lot has to change, somethings need to stay the same. There is no pleasing everyone all the time. Variety is important, and if you neglect it; you will be less happy.
This way of looking at it, makes sense to me. What do you think? Can you see the reason in the rhyme? But if you take a good look at my life, would you say: “He is successful?”
Maybe this life is training for us? You have to make good use of everything! Take the good training you get and put it to work for you, and the bad training you get; don’t do that junk.
Training twice as hard as real life would ever be.
Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit!
Photo Credit: Photo by Andrew Liu on Unsplash
This article was inspired by the article found here: Proximity Be sure to watch the video, it is really something!