After A Fashion

Welcome to my little part of the internet. I’m going to write for myself. What will come from it, i don’t know yet. Maybe something will change?

In the event, you want to save your simulated soul; Follow me!

  • Memento Mori

    Squash. The bug’s life was very short. He should have had a life insurance policy. His relatives will be short, did he really live well? What is living like a bug going to do for anyone? Not much going on. There should be some urgency to life; because life is short, and most people are…

  • Saint Merde

    Life. It’s got to change. Not just any change, No! It has to get better. But in looking at the problems, and seeking solutions; it seems to me the system in place isn’t that bad. I have reason to believe, some of the variables in the mix have been tainted, and maybe the problem exists…

  • Thinking To Myself

    This seems to be a futile effort. My writing for others is not going to make a difference; no one is reading. Maybe, I should find some pursuit that doesn’t involve chasing money, or women. I’m not even sure if such a thing is possible. It certainly seems, no one is going to be chasing…

  • Trivial Effort: Saturday

    Spent some time today watching clouds melt away. It doesn’t happen very often that you can watch clouds melting. That is not all that I did today. However, that may be the highlight of the day. There was a project that I started, and completed today. It started with seeing some video on Instagram that…

  • 10 Ways To Style Your Life Like A Pro – The Basic Guide To Digital Holiness

    What is good and what is not good? Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance Digital holiness. The most sought after holy grail there ever was. Seems, everyone has some dirty socks under the bed somewhere. Maybe, we should take the trash out more often? You can only hope your mother doesn’t see the photos…

  • Status: Project Done

    Not much going on. Feeling like, I’m done with my current project. It might still need some fine details worked out. But the design is done, and the hard part is over with. Now, comes the really hard part. To promote it. Not sure anyone will ever use it. I’ve worked really hard on it;…

  • What Should We Value, Honor, and Respect As Beings In This World?

    Where is the honor, respect, and kindness in this world? This world has some problems. A lot of people have been de-valued, to the point most people can not get much respect these days. Respect is defined as admiring someone for their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It seems, achievements without qualities isn’t worth much, if…

  • Efforts In Limbo

    My project is rapidly approaching completion. My project is almost done. Just a few more points to cover, some fine details to iron out. I’m not sure how to feel about this one. I should be very proud of myself for doing this kind of work, most people would be. I think, for me it…

  • Status: Bored Isolation

    This isolation, it’s been real. . . Not much going on. Same shit, different day. No one seems to give a damn. They don’t care. I’m not sure how they live like they do. I wouldn’t even call it living. They think highly of it, it must mean something to them. I’m not sure how…

  • Growth In Design How To Go From Passive Whim To Robo Monster In Two Seconds

    There is something about this week. This week was long; yet, it went very quickly. I’ve completed my project for Vivo-Vim now. Most all of the project is done, I would say, it is 99% done. There may be some fine details that need ironed out in the future; however, I feel done with it…