After A Fashion

Welcome to my little part of the internet. I’m going to write for myself. What will come from it, i don’t know yet. Maybe something will change?

In the event, you want to save your simulated soul; Follow me!

  • Tired. . .

    Not much going on, life is; things are. Trying to deal with it. Got a real headache this evening. Trying to nurse it back to being better. Something has to change, and right quick. Seems, people don’t give a damn about my projects. They don’t matter to them personally; they couldn’t care. I think, the…

  • Full Circle – Alive!

    The last two months have gone by so incredibly fast. I have been working on a project, that I have reason to believe is almost done. I’m kind of trying to pick myself up after having finished it; and busy looking for my next project! The coffee has been pretty good, and all things considered;…

  • The New Economy And The Demise Of Startups – How To Protect Yourself

    The last twenty years have been really interesting. Much has changed, or taken shape with technology and digital lifestyles. The innovation that has taken place has been truly groundbreaking. I don’t want to leave you heartbroken, there is news. The End The days of the startups will end. The period of innovation and mass drain…

  • Rare Birds – How The System Is Creating The Extinction Of Species In The Job Market

    The Problem: Life has some problems, some of them are serious. There has been a steady de-valuation of human life for some time. These problems are likely caused by supply and demand, or the lack thereof. Seems the supply of humans is high, and the demand is low. Thus, they have lost some of their…

  • Total Crap

    This video was a project today. Kinda bored, not much going on. This video is total crap, I know; so you don’t have to tell me my shit is shit. You know? Yet, here it is. It will waste eight minutes of your life, with no real purpose or meaning. Thus, if you are bored,…

  • A Cage: This Vacuum

    I didn’t have many needs, despite the fact I have lived in poverty for twenty years. The needs I did have were pretty important that they be met, seems no one could give a damn! This isn’t to happen like this again. The problems I’ve had to deal with, are not acceptable; not for me,…

  • Don’t Just Exist – Be Creative

    Strive To Inspire Life can be rough, you have to do what you can. It helps when you are working for the right reasons. Being creative adds a lot of enjoyment to life, and makes life better. If you are not being creative, start today! Here are some ideas for creative things you can do…

  • Life Sucks!

    This life The isolation sucks. No one cared. This world is empty. The humans in this world are all AI bots, they are mindless. They are nothing more than living clay. They are not real living beings. They treat me like shit, and I am tired of the abuse. Wanted a lot better. Bored with…

  • LifeStyle On Edge – Thoughts On A Pretty Good Day

    On being like a tree After a pretty good day, with nothing worse than a mild headache, it seems there are days that this living death is more bearable. Progress was made, and I’ve been thinking today about potential. Well thinking about potential, and how to define success. Seems there are ways we forget what…

  • Projects In The Pan

    Looks like I’m a happy camper; there are a few projects in the pan, and on the fire this week. Not that my projects are on fire, but at least they are on the burner for something to be doing. Been working on solving some problems, some of them need solved. Not sure the best…