After A Fashion

Welcome to my little part of the internet. I’m going to write for myself. What will come from it, i don’t know yet. Maybe something will change?

In the event, you want to save your simulated soul; Follow me!

  • Truth

    Most people, they don’t understand the living. Basically they don’t understand those with a fire in their hearts. Most people are basically just house cats at the heart of the matter. They don’t like really living, they find it too much to handle. They shun those who want to live better. They believe, good enough…

  • May You

    May You The world needs something. Do you know what the world really needs a lot more of? Maybe you can guess? Okay swell, now everyone should know! May you have peace of mind. Really! To be living in these times and these uncertain moments of time. Everyone is going to need someone to take…

  • Five Tips For Better Coffee

    Five Tips For A Better Cup Of Coffee If your drinking coffee, you may be aware of some of these points. If not, this quick guide with five tips for a better cup of coffee may help you. Your morning cup matters, and here are five tips that will make it that much more enjoyable.…

  • Five Tips For Using A Computer

    A lot of people are scared of using things they don’t understand. Their fear comes from not understanding what they are using. And since they don’t want to take the time to understand something complex; they live in fear of what they don’t know. I’ve been giving a lot of consideration to how to help…

  • Meditation Video

    One of my projects in recent months has taken shape. A friend of mine is creating meditation videos. In passing I casually asked if I could do the music for one of his videos. Didn’t really believe anything would come from it; however here we are. They used my song for their video and it…

  • Five Small Changes You Can Make To Be Happier

    Five Tips To Live Better If you are looking to improve your life and you are not sure where to start, I can offer five points that will help transform your life for the better. Remove The Word I once read the worst word in the english language you can say or think, is the…

  • Advice For People That Want To Be Smarter

    You want to be wise? Be careful how you spend your time. Make the best use of your time that you have. Be careful what you spend time talking about, or watching. This is some of the simplest advice for people that want to be smarter. That said, there are a number of things one…

  • Span This

    With the pandemic, people are starting to think a little more. Maybe they will start using their minds to really live? One of the questions I was asked recently is: If you could only own 100 items what would you keep? The thought that crossed my mind is what kind of life would you be…

  • Mercury Retrograde

    In just a few brief days, mercury will go retrograde again. The timing seems to be just the worst this year. With the election coming in less than a month, this mercury retrograde is going to be the worst thing to happen in a long while. This year from October 13 2020, until November 3,…

  • The Stranger

    After forty-five years in this world some of the mystery is missing. Sometimes a stranger will smile, and in passing the whim that some might know of a life outside this world. Seems there are many strangers in this world. Seems to me; this is not my world. The current situations in this world leave…