Make Yourself Better!
Through reason, one can improve their life. You have to understand, without being able to reason, nothing else is of value. Or has very little value for very short periods of time. The mess society finds itself in today; what a mess!
phi·los·o·phy /fəˈläsəfē/ noun the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, the world it seems is however, really dumber than rocks. Pity! You would think, people would have some values in life. Seems what they value doesn’t hold much real meaning.
You have to wonder, if things that have the most meaning would have the most value? If so, does it really have value; or just the superficial belief that something has value? I’ve seen people try to pull the wool over our eyes before. So what gives?
I’m bored, hence the need to do some writing; despite the fact, no one is reading my work. Wish it were going better, I needed some encouragement to keep this insane pace going. Seems, no one will give a damn. How does a person change their life? How do you take something broken, and make it right? At what point does it not make it worthy of doing? How much is enough?
Seems a little broken can be mended, or healed. But breaking your dishes might mean you have to get new dishes. What if your heart is broken? Maybe you will find someone that will make it better, maybe with time, it will heal somewhat.
Be Wise, Live Smart!
There are some things that are difficult to heal from. You want to avoid those things as much as possible. Because being really broken is not going to be fun, pleasant, or fulfilling. It’s better to get what enjoyment you can from life without doing real damage to yourself.
That said, there are some things you want to avoid at all costs. Anything that makes it difficult to think now, or in the future may not be advantageous to your long term interests.
You want to take care of your long term interests, so that they may reward you someday in the future. That would be showing some sign of wisdom. You want to be wise, right?
Take care of yourself. Suffering because you didn’t isn’t smart. You want better than that, if you can possibly avoid it; do such at all costs.
Better to think a little more than they want you to, then not think at all. You know? Sometimes, people lead you down the wrong rabbit hole, because they are ruthless cruel. Beware! Have some care. Know the difference, so you can live to tell the tale.
Use your mind, and empower yourself beyond what most of the herd is doing. You have to get smart, like right quick; before its too late!
In short; don’t use drugs in this life, or this world. It’s not worth the hassle. If they screw your mind up, the cost if far too high, and recovery is almost impossible. You got stuff to do, and a lot more to live for than what comes with that ball of wax.
Empower yourself through philosophical reasoning. The benefits in the long run, will be worth more than gold. And you can thank me for the advice, because you will be a lot happier in the long run too!
Hope this clears up some of the issues in your head. At least on these subjects. There is a lot to cover, read my whole blog to learn more. You will be happy you did!
Photo Credit: Photo by Yasuo Takeuchi on Unsplash
Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit!