This is your posse bonus post this month. This photo of the dolphins was just too much to pass up, I had to post it. It is just so darn cool. Wish that I could get some dolphin time, alas life is.
There is some good to be had, if you look for it; sometimes, you have to really do some searching to find it. It is out there, like a formula hiding in plain sight. Some fractals are easier than others.
It has been snowing the last twenty-four hours. Nothing major, just some snow flurries. It has been a nice change, this winter is being kind thus far. New year, seems like the life we want is playing hide-and-seek from us. Pity!
Music is keeping me company, and running at more than 50%, I’ve been busy working on my site: Misfit.Ctopher.Me. It now has a feature to “Like” the photos in the main page, and keeps count of how many likes each post gets. It wasn’t too difficult, took me two days of effort to make it happen. I’m glad it worked out, I think its pretty cool, and neat stuff.
Not much going on; it seems, no matter how much effort I put forth, it is all going into a huge vacuum. Where is everyone at? They must be watching TV, or playing video games. I hope they are out having fun, that would be good. Life is meant to be lived; you should live it to the max!
Seems, I’ve been in a better mood the last few days; times are tough, life is rough. Wish it were going to get a lot better, right quick too! Thank God there is music; I would be so lost, banging on trash cans; trying to make music.
The human race, seems to be going in circles. No one can make their minds up about much of anything. Pity! Maybe it will get better for everyone one of these days, real soon!
Haven’t heard from anyone in months. It is a lot of isolation. More than my fair share; you want some? If I could bottle and sell isolation to people for a profit, wow; that would be something! I have plenty of it; if you want some, write me!

If only my isolation felt as good as this photo looks, I could use some of that, maybe just dangling my feet off the cliff looks good to me. How mighty the truth can be! Nature doesn’t lie.
I made a video, you should check it out; I think it is really very good. It is on YouTube, and here is the embedded version, if you want to watch it now!
This was my latest project, which I spent an afternoon working on, and a few cups of coffee to complete. I think, it turned out really very well. Some people, think my voice isn’t very good; like to see them smoke two packs a day and still have a voice.
Trying to find meaning; seems this world is made of poison, trying not to let the haters make me meaner than I already am. Life needed to change, and for the better. Such is life.
Have to let this make me better, working towards some goals. I would like to see some results from my effort, yet; everyone is so darn busy these days, seems they don’t have time for me.
Read all the great posts on my blog, some of my writing has gotten a lot better, I feel my progress is very likely, REMARKABLE. If you saw my writing a few years ago, compared to my current work; I think it has come a long ways in the last month.
Have a nice day!! Thanks for reading!!
Written by Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit!