Life is. Things are. Sometimes you have to deal with it. That in itself isn’t very profound. However the idea that this thinking led me to is extreemly profound.
Why is there so much hate in the world? Do you know or understand it? If you do, then my thinking will make perfect logical sense to you.
For the rest of you that don’t understand it, I’m going to break the news to you. Here goes. There is hate in this world because people are unhappy, a result of their unhappiness is that it comes with a certian amount of baggage.
The baggage is hate. Because people are so unhappy with the current problems, there is more hate in the world because of it.
That is the simple explaination. There is a lot more to it than that, but that is the idea in a nutshell. You may be wondering how I arrived at this profound conclusion on my own?
The answer is I had to wallow in my own misery for twenty years of feeling devistated and laid low. When I started letting go of my rage, and starting looking at things for what they are, then it all became very clear.