Knowledge vs. Wisdom
There are some things in life that we can learn through knowledge. The things we can learn from being taught by others through reading or study.
This can be good and beneficial, knowledge helps us to learn and grow. The process of having knowledge starts with having a love for learning and being fascinated by new ideas, ways of living, and creative lives.
There is however another kind of learning that can not be taught. This is known as wisdom, and no matter how much you try or want it to be known; wisdom can not be taught.
We simply do not have the ability to teach wisdom to others, we have the ability to give them knowledge. It’s up to each person as to what they will do with that knowledge. It’s up to each of us to do what we can with the knowledge we have so that we can make the best use of our own wisdom to working towards a better world.
Be creative to express yourself
Sometimes we have knowledge that we think will benefit us, but serves no immediate use to our fellow humans. It’s a difficult choice to have to choose how to best convey our wisdom and what the best way to share that with other people.
Today people are very closed minded and divided. Sometimes you have to find a happy middle ground that will both provide the information you want to use to help others, while providing just enough discomfort that people are able to grow.
People like comfort. They don’t like to be shocked or have difficulties that are not easy to deal with. The problem is that to really grow there has to be a level of discomfort in the beginning that helps them shape new ideas and ways of thinking.
There are no easy choices. There is no easy solution. My best advice is this, Take the good training you get and use it. If you get bad training, learn from it.